Earth Day

For this International Mother Earth Day, let’s remind ourselves – more than ever – that we need a shift to a more sustainable economy that works for both people and the planet. Let’s promote harmony with nature and the Earth. – United Nations We all need a beautiful, fertile earth that welcomes and nourishes allContinue reading “Earth Day”

To print or not to print, that is the question

In the age of digital photography, we fill our storage devices with terabytes of our photographs. Some, the fewer, we throw them into the unfathomable and uncontrollable currents of social networks, where, if we are lucky, they will receive a few “likes” and then be buried under new posts, photos and comments. Perhaps one wayContinue reading “To print or not to print, that is the question”

Once upon a time…

..when the winters were snowy and cold. After the snowfall, the days were clear and cold, and the landscape was peaceful, fragile and silent. We could only hear the crunch of snow under our boots as we walked and the occasional snow falling from tree branches, and in the squares of towns and cities, peopleContinue reading “Once upon a time…”

And suddenly, Winter

In the last days of November, winter suddenly arrived. It snowed heavily. The snow, wet and heavy, caused many branches and some trees to break and fall to the ground. I wanted to go out and photograph, but laziness prevented me from doing so. There was always some “must-do” task to be done. Finally, beforeContinue reading “And suddenly, Winter”